A Letter to Independent Contractors on COVID-19

Coronavirus Impacting CPG Operations

What this means for you

The health and safety of ContainerPort Group’s employees, independent contractors, and business partners is of the highest importance to us today, as it is every day. Taking the proper precautions to limit exposures to COVID-19 will help you take care of your health and protect others from contracting this virus. Together, we will do everything possible to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Effective immediately, CPG® is implementing the changes listed below to reduce person-to-person contact.

Please note, all CPG® locations remain fully operational and staffed.

What CPG® is doing:

  • We are limiting non-employee access to all CPG®terminals.
    Reason: We are replacing the close-quarter transactions and encouraging social distancing, as recommended by government health agencies and officials.
  • When possible, follow the 6-foot distance recommendation by the CDC.
  • We are requiring anyone who is sick, or who has been with a sick family member, to stay home.
  • We are increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfection at our facilities.

What you can do:

  • Refrain from entering CPG® terminals unless it is an emergency (this includes driver rooms).
    • If emergency, wash or sanitize your hands before you come in the office.

  • Continue to utilize technology to communicate and conduct your business.
    • Use phones or XRS to communicate with office personnel.
    • Use XRS to log your hours of service.
    • Use MC2/MC3 to scan your paperwork.

  • Clean your hands often. Wash your hands several times a day for at least 20 seconds (preferred and the most effective).
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%-95% alcohol.
    • Use a paper towel to turn off water and to open doors.
  • Put distance between yourself and other people. Avoid shaking hands, hugging, etc. Keep a minimum of 6 feet distance.

  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when coughing or sneezing.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. Wipe down or spray work surfaces in your truck with disinfectant several times per day.

  • Take additional precaution at warehouses, fuel stations, ramp, and port locations.

  • Avoid letting riders or anyone inside your vehicle (mechanics, repair vendors, etc.)

  • Wash both the interior and exterior of your tractor as often as possible.

  • Limit slip seating of vehicles - disinfect tractors between shifts - wipe down gear shifts, seat belts, steering wheels, cab & cargo doors, dolly hand cranks, etc.

  • Limit face to face engagements during pickups and deliveries - avoid sharing items such as pens, pencils, clipboards, bar coding devices, dollies/handcarts, pallet jacks, etc.

  • Anytime you are in a public area wash/sanitize your hands before you get back in your vehicle.

  • Prepare for potential civil unrest in areas you are traveling (Grocery Store, Fuel Purchases, Shippers/Receivers, etc.)

We will continue to provide updates on this evolving situation as information becomes available.

For more information, please consult the following resources/websites:

We appreciate each one of you and let’s do all we can to keep each other safe and healthy.  Stay Safe.


Michael Smith