CPG Business Analytics Director Honored by DoD with Patriot Award

ROCKY RIVER, Oh. - Ohio Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), a Department of Defense program, honored Jason Wood, Director of Business Analytics, of ContainerPort Group with a Patriot Award in recognition for exceptional support of employees serving in the Ohio Guard and Reserves.  Ron Smetana, LTC, USA (Ret.), Employer Outreach Coordinator of Ohio presented Jason Wood with the award on Oct. 4, 2019. 

CPG's Jason Wood receives the Patriot Award from ESGR's Jon Smetana, LTC, USA (Ret.)
Wood was nominated for the Patriot Award for his unwavering support and encouragement of a former employee who served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

"I am extremely honored to have received a Patriot Award.  At ContainerPort Group, several of our team members are also members of the nation’s Guard and Reserve units, so we understand how important it is to ensure that these brave men and women who serve our country have a solid support system at work so that they can perform their military duties."

ESGR seeks to foster a culture in which all employers support and value the employment and military service of members of the National Guard and Reserve in the United States.

ESGR promotes a cooperative culture of employer support for National Guard and Reserve service by developing and advocating mutually beneficial initiatives, recognizing outstanding employer support, increasing awareness of applicable laws and policies, resolving potential conflicts between employers and their service members, and acting as the employers’ principal advocate within the Department of Defense. Paramount to ESGR's mission is encouraging employment of Guardsmen and Reservists who bring integrity, global perspective and proven leadership to the civilian workforce.

For more information about ESGR Outreach Programs, or ESGR volunteer opportunities, please call 1-800-336-4590 or visit www.ESGR.mil/.

Learn more about the Patriot Award >> 

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